DNR Files Response Brief on Healy Gas Exploration with State Supreme Court
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has filed its response brief with the Alaska Supreme Court on the State of Alaska’s Healy Basin Gas Only Exploration License. DNR argues in its response filing that Denali Citizens Council fails its burden to demonstrate that DNR’s Final Finding is arbitrary based on lease size and mitigation measures. The gas exploration license holder – Usibelli Coal Mine – also filed a response brief. The briefs conclude with Usibelli Coal Mine and DNR asking for the court to, predictably, reject the appeal and affirm DNR’s Final Finding.
Brief of Appellee Department of Natural Resources
DCC’s opening Supreme Court brief can be read at the link below, and you can also visit the website page containing all the documents associated with the Best Interest Finding for this project and subsequent legal challenges.
Healy Gas Historical Documents