DCC Comments on the NPS Wonder Lake Weather Station EA

Photo by Jennifer Raffaeli
On May 5, DCC submitted comments regarding the EA for a Climate Station west of the Wonder Lake Campground in Denali National Park and Preserve.
DCC generally supported the preferred alternative of siting a USCRN climate station in a location close to an existing road near Wonder Lake campground, noting the long-term benefit to science. However, we raised a few concerns as the station will lie close to the Wilderness boundary and within a development zone in the Wilderness exclusion intended for campgrounds, rest areas, trailheads, utility corridors, gravel acquisition, and parking.
To view our complete comments, click on the link:DCC Comments-Wonder Lake Weather Station-5-5-14 and to see the EA go to: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?parkID=9&projectID=11880&documentID=58484.