DCC Member News

DCC’s 50th: Share Your Ideas & Thoughts

DCC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration is partly just that: a celebration. However, we are also gathering inspiration and ideas for DCC’s next 50 years. As you participate in-person or remotely in this event, please ponder the organization’s past and future, and share what you are thinking by leaving a comment below (it will take a little bit for the comment to appear live on the website). Questions to consider:

  • What has most inspired you about DCC’s work over the last 50 years? What would you most miss if DCC wasn’t here?
  • What role should DCC play for the park and community? Where are we most effective?
  • What kinds of issues should the organization focus on? The same ones as in the past, or something new?
  • How do we grow our membership and constituency for Denali?

You can access the detailed schedule for this weekend’s event HERE, and a summary schedule with links for registering for the Zoom broadcasts HERE.


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