Comment Now – Protect Denali’s Wolves
The Alaska Board of Game (AKBOG) meets March 15-22 in Fairbanks to consider proposals for the Interior and Eastern Arctic regions. This is a once-every-three-years opportunity for the AKBOG to make changes to regulations in these regions. As has been true for the past several cycles, there is a proposal to restrict hunting and trapping of wolves in the Wolf Townships. Proposal 186 is sponsored by the National Park Service.
Written comments are due on March 1, and it is important that the Alaska Board of Game continues to hear that this protection is important. Even though AKBOG has not supported a “buffer” zone for Denali’s wolves for almost 25 years, it is important to keep up the pressure and let the decision-makers know that people care. The voices of Alaskans are particularly important.
Nicole Schmitt of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance recently gave a presentation that provided excellent perspective on the Board of Game and its process. You can review her PowerPoint slides here.
Nicole pointed out to DCC that there are other proposals under consideration that affect wildlife in the Denali area. Particularly important are proposals affecting regulations on the western side of the park, including predator control (Proposals 60-62), liberalizations of black and brown bear hunting rules (Proposals 98-107), and changes in sheep hunting rules (Proposals 76-92). All of them are in the “McGrath” sub-region. See all the proposals at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website.
Submit your comments by March 1!